
We’ve noted next to each recipe whether it is (or can easily be modified to be) vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free. Please be aware that some ingredients may vary across brands and some products may still have traces of gluten or animal products. Read labels carefully if cooking for a friend with severe allergies or strong convictions for their animal-free lifestyle.

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7 Comments on “Recipes”

  1. Cathy Pohlman says:

    Becky and Rachel. Thanks for sharing a snipet of your book. It sounds great!

    • Rachel Randolph says:

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment and encouragement Cathy. Hopefully a book will be in the near future…if not we’ll still enjoy sharing our recipes and quips here! – Rachel

  2. Jane Ritz says:

    I love the variety of recipes. If I’m blessed enough to win this, it would go to my daughter. She loves to cook, but she struggles to find recipes that she can handle. Thanks for this giveaway!

  3. Jennifer Hammonds says:

    Hey Rachel, just passed on some recipes to a friend who’s trying to get healthy! Will be sending her a book for Christmas! Question……do you have any healthy yummy smoothie tips for little ones. My twins are a year old, and they love their water and are heavy drinkers. I don’t want to give them fruit juice out of a bottle because I know it’s mostly sugar. But, they love fruits and I would like to incorporate some of the veggies maybe that they can’t digest as well yet (like greens) so that they at least get some of the flavors. Do you have any recipes like that or any suggestions? Thanks!

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