Declaring Personal Independence from Stress

jackson and corabelleOn this Independence Day weekend, besides thanking God and American heroes and military for our freedoms, and enjoying good food and each other….it might be fun to ponder something you’d like to “declare independence” from today: perhaps you’ll declare freedom from taking abuse in any form, freedom from guilt that holds you back, perfection that keeps you paralyzed, worry that wastes your time, bitterness that is eating you up or grudges you have held so long that you’ve forgotten the lightness of soul that letting go brings.

How about freedom from attachment to certain outcomes, or demanding life and people be other than they are, freedom from wanting what we don’t have, freedom to love without people-pleasing, freedom to validate others instead of dictate what they should think or do to be more like you?. Freedom to relax, and be who you are, and permission to nourish yourself body, soul and mind.

corabelle 4th

Freedom to say no, with kindness instead of resentment. Freedom to detach, when you need a break, with love. Freedom to nap, to play, to slow down. To create a life that makes you want to get up every morning. To bless those who disagree with you, without angst or rage, and get on with doing the good stuff in the world you have been called to do in the circles around you. To laugh more, whine less. Be more humble and easy-going and understanding that all humanity is messed up in some way, including our very flawed selves. Freedom from judging, while welcoming more grace.

jackson 4th

Aren’t we blessed to live with these everyday choices to choose freedom over bondage?

Jesus said, “I have come that You may have life and have it more abundantly,” and “You are no longer slaves, but free…”

In our world, and in our thoughts, Lord, let freedom ring!

(A note of thanks to two of my adorable grandchildren, Jackson & 3 week old Corabelle, for providing the cuteness to this blog.  And to their mom, my daughter and co-author, Rachel, for the excellent photography!  If you want to read more about Corabelle’s debut, you must read Rachel’s latest post on her arrival at )
 And if you want to read more about how to prioritize and nourish your life… check out our latest book, Nourished: A Search for Health, Happiness and a Full Night’s Sleep. 

update nourished

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