

Rachel and Jared have been vegans for three years, and their good health and trim bodies are strong advertising for the benefits of this diet. I was impressed that unlike her mama, Rachel gained very little weight during her pregnancy and still gave birth to a bouncing 8 pound 4 ounce son. She continues to breastfeed Jackson into the top of all the healthy baby charts! I had big babies, too (last one weighed in at 10 pounds 2 ounces), but I gained so much weight in my pregnancies that I was always slightly disappointed that I didn’t give birth to a forty pound newborn.

Inspired by my glowing-in-health daughter, I am also working to incorporate some vegan meals into my diet, but can’t yet fathom giving up bacon or butter. I do love my veggies, though, and lean towards recipes that use lots of them!

What also astounds me, is that as different as my daughter and I are in some ways (organization, styles, time-management, and ability to retain information for more than five seconds) we’re almost twins in others (sense of humor, love of family, interest in writing and cooking, both of us in full agreement that her son is the cutest child in Texas). We are truly close friends, having been there for each other in the best and worst of times. Greg and I would pick Rachel and Jared as our favorite vacationing partners, so our differing quirks and leanings never get in the way of our having a really good time.

So why do this blog together?

People began to mention, with regularity, how much they enjoy our funny mom-daughter chit-chat on Facebook and also the pictures of food we post, with recipes attached. I’ve written a slew of inspirational humor books, Rachel grew up with a writer-speaker for a mom and then enjoyed a career in marketing for other authors and speakers. When Jackson was born, Rachel wanted a  job that would allow her to stay home with him, and the idea of writing a funny food-memoir together was born. (Our book, We Laugh, We Cry, We Cook, releases Aug. 6, 2013. ) We have no fancy illusions about the “glamor” of a writing career, and know that writing a book together can be the kiss of death to a relationship. But having looked that danger in the eye, we could only…. laugh. Then ask each other, “Why not give it a shot?” After all, we’ve survived more drama together than we could ever write about or anyone would ever believe; writing a food blog together feels like a walk in the park.

Along with the fun and food in our lives, the faith that held us steady in hard times, sustains us and surprises us with grace every day in these, some the happiest days of our life. We won’t preach, but now and again, we’ll share the gratitude we feel for the God who loves us all, gives us our daily bread (and veggies) and blankets us with hope and peace when life gets a little crazy.

“He gives food to every living thing. His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 136:25

Rachel, Baby Jackson (at 7 months) and Becky (Mom to Rachel, “Nonny” to Jackson)